Member Picks - Jan & Feb


With COVID-19 stubbornly hanging around, I thought I would share two videos that are very helpful when using Zoom. I like both of these videos because they are straightforward and easy to follow. Believe me when I say that I watched several long and boring how-to use Zoom videos. These are both short, sweet and to the point.

How to use Zoom Meeting controls on PCs and mobile devices

Join a Zoom Meeting without Downloading Zoom

This month I also am picking PiXimperfect on YouTube. There has been mention within the club about wanting a workshop on portrait retouching. Unmesh Dinda’s processing videos will teach you everything from getting those perfect skin tones to frequency separation… the way high-end photographers retouch skin in Photoshop.



With winter setting in, what better time to brush up on some educational YouTube videos. I’ve enjoyed the following two channels, especially the episodes that feature locations in our own backyards. These videos have inspired me to start planning some future photo trips.

The Backyard



Laws of Light: 5 Portrait Lighting Setups

If you have ever wanted to shoot portraits but didn’t know how to light them, this video makes a one light setup easy to understand and use. Learn the basics of all lighting setups. The instructor does a very good job of teaching and showing how to use five different lighting techniques.


Member Picks - Mar & Apr